We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit. ~ Aristotle

Monday, December 27, 2010

New Years Resolutions..

This time of year usually makes you start thinking about what you did or did not accomplish this year, and makes you start thinking about the year to come. Answering tricky questions like “What am I doing? Where am I going? What do I want? Thinking that there’s got to be more to life than this!….” The result? New Years Resolutions!
Four quick tips I have found helpful for Goal setting for the new year, these can be applied to anything even a biggy like weight-loss.  

Tip 1
While it’s beneficial to ask big questions about where your life is going, but asking them too often will result leave you in a bog of directionless despair. Take the pressure off, and only ask the big questions once, or at most, twice a year.
Tip 2
One of the easiest mistakes to make when setting goals, is in-sufficient detail. Write your goals in enough detail for everyone to understand and agree what’s meant. So if your goal is to lose 100lbs, plan it out, 5 lbs a month, by March to fit into a dress for high school reunion, etc etc.. You get the idea, you must create small goals to reach the BIG Goal at the end, or your goal will seem overwhelming and unattainable.
Make a calendar, track your progress and cross off your goals when you reach them, and reward yourself.
Tip 3
You are more likely to achieve realistic goals. That’s not to say you can’t shoot for the stars and pursue your dreams; break up your BIG goals into smaller, more manageable mini goals, and you’re more likely to achieve your dream. Baby steps!!
Tip 4
Tell People what you are doing, If everyone knows you have a plan you are more likely to stick to it.. ACCOUNTABILITY. Find a partner, join a group. I have one starting January 1st on my Facebook page (New Year, New You Challenge), Email me for info or click on my Facebook badge to find the event link.
FAIL TO PLAN, You Are Planning to Fail!


  1. Excellent tips! I am learning to write my goals out in detail. It does help to better understand exactly what you want to do! I am currently working on my list for the new year. I am so excited to see what goals I plan for myself. Thanks for joining in on the Hip Homeschool Hop!

  2. OOOOH! Good tips!!!

    I found you via Hip Homeschool Mom.

  3. Oh, I love planning --- it's carrying out those plans that I struggle with. Thank you for the inspiration.

  4. Yes the fail to plan is right idea. new follower from hip HS hop, come check out http://www.sprinkle-of-fun.blogspot.com when you get the chance. Thankx

  5. I came across your site through the homeschool hop and thought I would share a creative writing site for kids (and adults) that I have just set up - come and see the "I Wonder Chronicles for literacy and creativity" - use the prompts and add to the wonder!

    more here:

  6. I agree. I have also found that for me it helps to only focus on one major change at a time. Once I have a good grasp on that goal, then I can move to the next thing on the list. If I don't do that I feel like I'm wandering around in circles. :)

    Visiting from the hop.
